Wednesday, December 19, 2012

It's snowing :(

Just a quick update... I'm studying 'American studies' at the University in Gdansk!!! :D I'm very happy of it, 
it was such a great surprise when I got a message from the Uni, that I'm in. :)
So... I'm learning American culture, history, etc. Of course we have also linguistic classes (like Grammar, Phonetics etc). I'm really enjoying all of them; a few Americans are my teachers, so that's an additional nice surprise. :D

And now some sad news... winter is coming! Actually, it had already come... :<

Here's the proof:

Give me summer back!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

I wonder...

So, I haven't written there for a long time (if I used the wrong tense - sorry). Lately I was wondering if I could make vlogs. What do you think? I know in America it's very popular thing and no one is ashemed of that, but in my country - Poland - it's not. I'm afraid that there are too many haters and they're gonna let me go down in depression. Because I'm not a very pretty girl xD and personally I dont like my face very much, so... you know, I'm afraid that people will tell me that I'm so ugly etc. So I dont know what to do. I was wondering if I can vlog in polish and make english subtitles. :) That way I could even improve my language skills. I can talk in english but talking in Polish is easier for me ofc. 
Just let me know what do you think about it!!! :)

About American Vlogers... I watch Cory Williams's (smpfilms) and Kate's (Katersoneseven) daily vlogs. I love them! :D

This is Kate. She's so funny and pretty, isn't she? :)

And here she's with Cory...

Friday, March 2, 2012

Let's help!...

Do you like dogs? Cats?
Would you eat one of them? Would you let somebody to torture and kill cat or dog?
If 'no', please sign...

In the first page you can see video, but it's really digusting and disturbing. 
While watching this I was crying like a little baby. I am ashamed of humans. :(

Tens of millions of animals are slaughtered and butchered in China each year. 

These pets are totally innocent and defenseless. How can man make them suffer SO MUCH?

Please share this petitions with your friends!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


My new drawings. Am I changing my style a little bit? I want to draw more detailed drawings and atm I stuck with little cute girls&nature as you can see.
What do you think? Aparts from that I messed up body proportions. Dx

Want to draw more and more but HAVE TO learn (I'm so lazy...). I'm going to finish school education i may, I need to get good grades. God, please help me D: Wish me good luck...

I'm so cold. I hate winter! >.<

Sunday, January 8, 2012


What I found :3


( to see full version, click here )

it's awesome, isn't it? ^^

Another cute thing:

What do you think? :3